Product Tag: Adebayo


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Afrique réaffirmation de notre engagement / Africa reaffirming our commitment

Afrique réaffirmation de notre engagement / Africa reaffirming our commitment

La série Dialogue politique a été conçue dans le but de créer un consensus autour d’une approche concrète à adopter pour confronter les défis majeurs du continent africain. Afrique : Réaffirmation de notre engagement a été ainsi conçu pour examiner les fondations économiques de nos états et la question de la dignité des africains en tant qu’êtres humains. Aujourd’hui, nous agissons dans un contexte de globalisation féroce où les règles du jeu reposent sur la suprématie économique et militaire; domaines dans lesquels l’Afrique est toujours en traine. L’objectif de ce livre n’est pas de se lamenter ou de montrer du doigt ceux qui sont à la base des maux de l’Afrique, mais plutôt de réfléchir sur les moyens et de proposer des stratégies qui ont pour but de nous libérer de la pauvreté et de l’oppression, et encore plus important, d’identifier les moyens d’accélérer le développement de l’Afrique. Cette édition propose les voies et moyens qui permettront à nos gouvernements d’être réellement au service des africains. Elle suggère les voies qui mènent vers l’établissement de sociétés pacifiques, harmonieuses, justes et équitables dans une Afrique où les citoyennetés locale et panafricaine seront une réalité. Ce livre fait la plaidoirie des identités collectives et les sociétés inclusives sur la base d’une vision redéfinie de notre future à travers une nouvelle éducation et un mode de socialisation dans les écoles et autres institutions nationales.


Adebayo Olukoshi

Jean Bernard Ouédraogo

Ebrima Sall


Beyond the Coloniality of Internationalism: Reworlding the World from the Global South

Beyond the Coloniality of Internationalism: Reworlding the World from the Global South

Deploying a decolonial epistemic perspective to reflect on a terminally ill international system besieged by numerous crises, Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni makes a strong case for reworlding the world from the global South in general and global Africa in particular. Taking the Russia-Ukraine War as a crisis that portends a change of the present world order, he projects an emerging planetary pluriversal future. Challenging mainstream theories of internationalism, the book highlights anti-imperial struggles and decolonial praxes of reconstituting and remaking the world after neoliberal imperial internationalism.

“Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni calls for a root and branch dismantling of the moribund order and its replacement with a new one that draws from the rich decolonial, anti-imperialist, anti-patriarchal, and human-centred heritage that is rooted in the history of struggles in the global South.”- Adebayo Olukoshi, Distinguished Professor, Wits School of Governance, South Africa

 “This book is a magnificent antidote to what Nigerian writer, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, encapsulated in a mighty single sentence: the danger of a single story. By doing so, the book reminds us of another sign of the change of era: decolonial thinking and being in the world, rewording the world, is not an academic question, it is about life. Knowing to live rather than living to know.” Walter D. Mignolo, William Wannamaker Distinguished Professor, Duke University

Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni’s powerful book draws from the Ukraine war to provide an anti-colonial interpretation of international relations.” Vijay Prashad, Professor & Director, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research

“Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni crafts a powerful message of deliverance and peace.”-Stephen Chan, Professor of World Politics, SOAS, University of London

“Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni repaints the canvas vividly from the right side, revisiting history, critiquing paradigms, and, most importantly, offering prospects for an alternative approach.” Akosua Adomako Ampofo, Professor of African & Gender Studies, University of Ghana

 “Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni undertakes a breath-taking task of synthesis, bringing together into conversation Marxism, the Black Radical Tradition and decolonial perspectives into an analysis of the continuing coloniality of international power relations.” Aditya Nigam, Professor at the Centre for Developing Societies, Delhi

 “Ndlovu- Gatsheni’s book is a political toolbox, as much as it is a spiritual canvas, and a historical map for all of us who refuse to believe that no other world is possible.Ricardo Sanin-Restrepo, Professor of Legal and Political Theory, Universidad Javeriana



ISBN 978 2 38234 099 8

Africa and Development Challenges in the New Millennium: The NEPAD Debate (Printed)

In 2001 NEPAD – the New Partnership for Africa’s Development – was launched by South African President Thabo Mbeke and Abdoulaye Wade, President of Senegal. Its founding assumption was that African governments had to take much more responsibility for their economic, political and social policy if real development were to be achieved. AFRICA & DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM is the first major attempt by African scholars and policy makers to evaluate the meaning of NEPAD in concrete terms. The authors raise key questions about NEPAD’s ability to integrate Africa with the global economy, to overcome the challenge of poverty, and to bring about regional development. The book also addresses what NEPAD means for agriculture, industrialisation, trade and the « digital divide ». This is an important contribution to our understanding of NEPAD, why it has already run into extensive criticism, and the prospects for a new, more positive chapter in Africa’s development.

African Universities in the Twenty-First Century, Volume I: Liberalisation and Internationalisation (Printed)

As the twenty first century unfolds, African universities are undergoing change and confronting challenges which are unprecedented. The effects of globalisation, and political and economic pressures of liberalisation and privatisation, both internal and external, are reconfiguring all aspects of university life: teaching, research, and their public service functions; such that the need to redefine the roles of the African universities, and to defend their importance have become paramount. At the same time, the universities must themselves balance demands of autonomy and accountability, expansion and excellence, diversification and differentiation, and internationalisation and indigenisation. In a climate in which scholarship and production are increasingly dependent on ICTs, and are becoming globalised, the universities must address the challenges of knowledge production and dissemination. The need to indigenise global scholarship, to their own requirements, meanwhile is ever- pressing.

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