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Civil Society and the Search for Development Alternatives in Cameroon (Printed)

Civil Society and the Search for Development Alternatives in Cameroon (Printed)


Recent developments have witnessed the emergence of civil society as a major development actor whose potentials and capacity, especially in Africa, are often taken for granted and treated as limitless.

A critical assessment of some of their structures (NGOs, religious organisations, trade unions, home-based associations, women’s mobilisation structures, local community organisations, and the youth) and the legal and political context of the operation of civil society in Cameroon shows a popular effervescence that is visible in social development initiatives; Although this would complement the state and free enterprise, it is however often frustrated by the state’s suspicion in a context of rising social awareness and protest that is assimilated with political opposition or attempts at manipulation along partisans lines.

This book is a call to reform the framework and civil society to assess its components and roles in shaping the future of Africa.

Economic Liberation and development in Africa (Printed)

Economic Liberation and development in Africa (Printed)


In this endnote address delivered at the 11th General Assembly of CODESRIA, held in Maputo in 2005, Jomo Kwame Sundaram notes that over three decades of economic stagnation, contraction and increased poverty have taken a huge toll on Africa’s economic, social and political fabric; and pro-active efforts are urgently required in order to build new capacities and capabilities for development. He argues that much of the ostensible conventional wisdom regarding African development and poverty is often both erroneous and harmful.

Even the IMF has acknowledged that international financial liberalization has exacerbated volatility. Worse still, there is strong evidence that some of the economic policy advice given to, and conditionalities imposed on governments in Africa have reflected vested interests and prejudice. In view of these, and the fact that economic growth and development do not necessarily reduce poverty and inequalities, Sundaram calls for greater ‘policy space’ for African governments to choose or design their own development strategies, as well as develop and implement more appropriate development policies.


African linguistics and the Development of African Communities / la linguistique africaine et le développement des communautés africaines (Printed)

African linguistics and the Development of African Communities / la linguistique africaine et le développement des communautés africaines


This diverse and comprehensive collection of essays embraces the main discourses in the field of African languages and linguistics. Overall, it argues for the absolute necessity of developing African languages as a condition of socio-economic development. The work further advocates the involvement of all sectors of society in language development efforts, language identification, and the imperative of validating African languages as equal to the colonial languages.

This edited collection of papers in both English and French offers a continent-wide approach to matters linguistic, focusing in particular on countries such as: Chad, Nigeria, Gabon and Cameron. It highlights the historic role African languages must play in the realisation of NEPAD to jumpstart social and economic development on the continent. The authors provide in-depth analysis of subjects such as: the development of African languages and their role in African renaissance; the difficulties and controversies around African mother tongue education; and endangered minority languages threatened with extinction.


Africa and Development Challenges in the New Millennium: The NEPAD Debate (Printed)

In 2001 NEPAD – the New Partnership for Africa’s Development – was launched by South African President Thabo Mbeke and Abdoulaye Wade, President of Senegal. Its founding assumption was that African governments had to take much more responsibility for their economic, political and social policy if real development were to be achieved. AFRICA & DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM is the first major attempt by African scholars and policy makers to evaluate the meaning of NEPAD in concrete terms. The authors raise key questions about NEPAD’s ability to integrate Africa with the global economy, to overcome the challenge of poverty, and to bring about regional development. The book also addresses what NEPAD means for agriculture, industrialisation, trade and the « digital divide ». This is an important contribution to our understanding of NEPAD, why it has already run into extensive criticism, and the prospects for a new, more positive chapter in Africa’s development.

Dead-end to Nigerian Development (Hard Cover)

Okwudiba Nnoli


CODESRIA, 1993, 264 p.

ISBN : 2-86978-021-4 (cased)



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