History, Democracy, Values: New Lines of Reflection (Printed)
History, Democracy, Values: New Lines of Reflection (Printed)
At the 11th General Assembly of CODESRIA, which was held in Maputo in December 2005, Adame Ba Konaré presented the Leopold Sedar Senghor Lecture, casting her historian eye on democracy and its values. Konaré calls for the enshrinement of democracy in Africa, where citizens are free to participate responsibly in decision-making on matters of common interest, and in ways that simply do not mimic externally induced notions or reflect unquestioningly the will of Heads of State.
Africa and Development Challenges in the New Millennium: The NEPAD Debate (Printed)
In 2001 NEPAD – the New Partnership for Africa’s Development – was launched by South African President Thabo Mbeke and Abdoulaye Wade, President of Senegal. Its founding assumption was that African governments had to take much more responsibility for their economic, political and social policy if real development were to be achieved. AFRICA & DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM is the first major attempt by African scholars and policy makers to evaluate the meaning of NEPAD in concrete terms. The authors raise key questions about NEPAD’s ability to integrate Africa with the global economy, to overcome the challenge of poverty, and to bring about regional development. The book also addresses what NEPAD means for agriculture, industrialisation, trade and the « digital divide ». This is an important contribution to our understanding of NEPAD, why it has already run into extensive criticism, and the prospects for a new, more positive chapter in Africa’s development.