Product Tag: éducation


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Challenges of Education Financing and Planning in Africa: What Works, What Does not Work? / Enjeux du financement et de la planification de l’éducation en Afrique : ce qui marche et ce qui ne marche pas ? (Printed)

Challenges of Education Financing and Planning in Africa: What Works, What Does not Work? / Enjeux du financement et de la planification de l’éducation en Afrique : ce qui marche et ce qui ne marche pas ? (Printed)


This volume highlights the proceedings of the two policy dialogue conferences held by the Working Group on Finance and Education (WGFE) in 2004. Part I of the document discusses the endemic crisis that higher educationhas been beset with since the outset of the post colonial period in Africa. It highlights the critical state of higher education systems in Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal by scrutinizing the causes, manifestations and consequences of the crisis to posit useful recommendations and possible solutions. Part II is a comprehensive review of the challenges facing the financing and planning of all levels and types ofeducation – from kindergarten to graduate school – in selected African countries. The papers reveal the sources and mechanisms of funding education in Africa, drawing attention to the experiences of communities confronted with new funding sources. A new trend, which consists of designing decade long educational development plans, has emerged and is rapidly expanding in numerous African countries. This experience is examined and shared by the authors. This book has contributions in both French and English.




This book sets out the Swaziland educational model and policies, and in the context of the management of the national economy. It shows that the proportion of the annual government budget devoted to education in Swaziland ranks amoungst the highest in Africa and many of the goals set at the world summit for children in 1990 are being achieved. There is universal access of primary education, gender equality of access across almost all levels of education. The study also shows however that less positively, the system is increasingly under financial pressure particularly to fund the growing demand for higher education, comparatively very expensive. The co-authors advocate comprehensive budgetary and financial reforms drawing up a model in line with current policy directions to increase funding for tertiary education, and so release more funds for improving quality at lower levels.

Education Financing in Egypt (Printed)

Education Financing in Egypt (Printed)


The Egypt study by the Education and Finance Working Group of CODESRIA provides a three-part well documented in-depth analysis of the financing of all levels of education of Egypt. Part I of the study highlights the economic, social, and political context of education, presents a historical perspective on the various educational policies formulated and implemented under the different regimes that ruled Egypt from the beginning of the 19th century till the liberalization and privatization era of the early 1970s, provides an in-depth account of education finance, budgetary procedures at the local educational directorates, underscores issues plaguing the financing of education, and suggests solutions for the improvement of educational finance in Egypt. Part II presents a monograph that analyzes teachers’ wages and suggests alternatives to alleviate their negative impact. Part III is a reporting on the operations related to the construction and the management of school buildings with a special emphasis on their costs.



Higher Education in Africa:Crises, Reforms and Transformation/ Enseignement supérieur en afrique francophone: crises, reformes et transformations (Printed)

Higher Education in Africa:Crises, Reforms and Transformation/ Enseignement supérieur en afrique francophone: crises, reformes et transformations (Printed)


This book provides theoretical tools for analysing contemporary African higher education systems and institutions. It also examines policy challenges and the prospects for social progress. It points to critical areas of investigation for the CODESRIA Multinational Working Group (MWG) research network on higher education. Conceived as a background text for this network, the book traces the historical roots and the global factors of the African higher education crises and the search for transformation to address issues of legitimacy and relevance. It analyses the origins, nature, and mission of African higher education, the problems associated with cultural colonization and the dependency trap, the local/global nexus in the crises with a special attention to the structural adjustment programmes (SAPs), and the various waves of reforms and innovations. Furthermore, the book presents a synopsis of studies that were conducted on the crises, highlighting both their findings and recommendations.


Education Financing & Budgetary Reforms in Africa : The Swaziland Case (Printed)

Education Financing & Budgetary Reforms in Africa : The Swaziland Case ( Printed)


This book sets out the Swaziland educational model and policies, and in the context of the management of the national economy. It shows that the proportion of the annual government budget devoted to education in Swaziland ranks amoungst the highest in Africa and many of the goals set at the world summit for children in 1990 are being achieved. There is universal access of primary education, gender equality of access across almost all levels of education. The study also shows however that less positively, the system is increasingly under financial pressure particularly to fund the growing demand for higher education, comparatively very expensive. The co-authors advocate comprehensive budgetary and financial reforms drawing up a model in line with current policy directions to increase funding for tertiary education, and so release more funds for improving quality at lower levels.

Education and Financing in Africa : The Kenyan Case Study (Printed)

Education and Financing in Africa : The Kenyan Case Study

The Kenya study, part of a series of case studies by the Education and Finance Working Group, explores ways of reinforcing the capacity and competence of the Ministry of Education in Kenya in building a framework for collaboration, information exchange and the optimal use of financial resources. The series analyses the best practices used in managing and allocating resources, and evaluating the education sector.

The study further highlights challenges in determining who should finance what in the cost-sharing scheme, how to counter the imbalance in allocations between personnel and non personnel salaries, poor management of resources and lack of accountability, and effectively handle centralised budgeting and management systems and the weaknesses in the harmonisation of policy, planning and budgeting. The study is rich in detail and offers original directions for a comparison with other African experiences.

Le financement de l’éducation au Burundi (Printed)

Cette étude du Burundi réalisée par le Groupe de travail sur les finances et l’éducation fait un survol du système éducatif tout en analysant le contexte social, politique et économique du pays. Elle met en exergue la formulation et la mise en ouvre de la politique éducative passée et actuelle avant d’aborder les mécanismes de financement de l’éducation. Elle fait un examen approfondi de l’élaboration, de l’exécution et du contrôle du budget, ainsi que l’intégration de la planification, de la programmation et de la budgétisation à un niveau opérationnel. Elle aborde l’allocation et la gestion optimale des ressources de façon directe et fait l’étiologie et l’analyse de la problématique du financement de l’éducation. Elle propose une série de suggestions pour la recherche de solutions et de recommandations en vue de l’amélioration de la gestion financière du système éducatif, présente une analyse détaillée de la problématique de développement des collèges communaux, et retrace l’historique de l’implantation d’un nouvel établissement scolaire.

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