Product Tag: prospects

Reforming the African Public Sector: Retrospect and Prospects is an in-depth and wide-ranging review of the available literature on African public sector reforms. It illustrates several differing country experiences to buttress the main observations and conclusions. It adopts a structural/institutional approach which underpins most of the reform efforts on the continent. To contextualize reform of the public sector and understand its processes, dynamics and intricacies, the book examines the state and state capacity building in Africa, especially when there can be no state without an efficient public sector. In addition, the book addresses a number of theories such as the new institutional economics, public choice and new public management, which have in one way or another influenced most of the initiatives implemented under public sector reform in Africa. There is also a survey of the three phases of public sector reform which have emerged and the balance sheet of reform strategies, namely, decentralization, privatization, deregulation, agencification, co-production and public-private partnerships. It concludes by identifying possible alternative approaches such as developing a vigorous public sector ethos and sustained capacity building to promote and enhance the renewal and reconstruction of the African public sector within the context of the New Partnerships for Africa's Development (NEPAD), good governance and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

  ISBN: 2-86978-214-4 CODESRIA 2008

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Reforming the African Public Sector, Retrospect and Prospects (Printed)

Reforming the African Public Sector, Retrospect and Prospects (Printed)


Reforming the African Public Sector: Retrospect and Prospects is an in-depth and wide-ranging review of the available literature on African public sector reforms. It illustrates several differing country experiences to buttress the main observations and conclusions. It adopts a structural/institutional approach which underpins most of the reform efforts on the continent. To contextualize reform of the public sector and understand its processes, dynamics and intricacies, the book examines the state and state capacity building in Africa, especially when there can be no state without an efficient public sector. In addition, the book addresses a number of theories such as the new institutional economics, public choice and new public management, which have in one way or another influenced most of the initiatives implemented under public sector reform in Africa. There is also a survey of the three phases of public sector reform which have emerged and the balance sheet of reform strategies, namely, decentralization, privatization, deregulation, agencification, co-production and public-private partnerships. It concludes by identifying possible alternative approaches such as developing a vigorous public sector ethos and sustained capacity building to promote and enhance the renewal and reconstruction of the African public sector within the context of the New Partnerships for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), good governance and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).



Cet ouvrage propose des communications faites lors de la septième Assemblée générale du CODESRIA (Dakar, 10-14 février 1992). Il expose les réflexions d'universitaires africains qui analysent, de manière transversale, les mutations sociales, politiques et économiques qui secouent l'Afrique depuis la fin des années 1980. Certains auteurs de ce livre ont été étroitement associés aux activités du CODESRIA et ont largement contribué à forger et à consolider sa crédibilité scientifique. Maîtres incontestés et reconnus de territoires théoriques différents, ils ont joué un rôle de premier plan dans la promotion d'un espace favorable à une réflexion créative et originale. Ils partagent la même ambition tout en utilisant des perspectives et des langages différents, celle-là même qui consiste à développer, dans la recherche africaine, la force, l'imagination et l'inspiration permettant de parler autrement de l'Afrique. Cette démarche les amène, dans cet ouvrage, à aborder avec sérénité, et à l'aide de références théoriques très solides, les questions les plus complexes relatives aux processus politiques actuels en Afrique. C'est ainsi qu'ils suivent à la trace, identifient et nomment les logiques et la dynamique des bouleversements en cours. Ils dissèquent aussi les fondements des discours sur la démocratie pour en déterminer la grammaire. Ils nous invitent enfin, avec toute la gravité requise, à prêter le maximum d'attention aux dures contraintes des sociétés et de l'Histoire mais aussi aux potentialités africaines. Cet ouvrage apporte une contribution décisive à notre compréhension des évolutions du continent africain, à la fin de ce siècle.    Jibrin Ibrahim & Eshetu Chole    ISBN: 2-86978-058-3 CODESRIA 1995
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