Product Tag: swaziland

This book sets out the Swaziland educational model and policies, and in the context of the management of the national economy. It shows that the proportion of the annual government budget devoted to education in Swaziland ranks amoungst the highest in Africa and many of the goals set at the world summit for children in 1990 are being achieved. There is universal access of primary education, gender equality of access across almost all levels of education. The study also shows however that less positively, the system is increasingly under financial pressure particularly to fund the growing demand for higher education, comparatively very expensive. The co-authors advocate comprehensive budgetary and financial reforms drawing up a model in line with current policy directions to increase funding for tertiary education, and so release more funds for improving quality at lower levels.   by Oluyele Akinkugbe, Vusi Kunene   ISBN 2-86978-096-6 2006  CODESRIA  

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This book sets out the Swaziland educational model and policies, and in the context of the management of the national economy. It shows that the proportion of the annual government budget devoted to education in Swaziland ranks amoungst the highest in Africa and many of the goals set at the world summit for children in 1990 are being achieved. There is universal access of primary education, gender equality of access across almost all levels of education. The study also shows however that less positively, the system is increasingly under financial pressure particularly to fund the growing demand for higher education, comparatively very expensive. The co-authors advocate comprehensive budgetary and financial reforms drawing up a model in line with current policy directions to increase funding for tertiary education, and so release more funds for improving quality at lower levels.

Education Financing & Budgetary Reforms in Africa : The Swaziland Case (Printed)

Education Financing & Budgetary Reforms in Africa : The Swaziland Case ( Printed)


This book sets out the Swaziland educational model and policies, and in the context of the management of the national economy. It shows that the proportion of the annual government budget devoted to education in Swaziland ranks amoungst the highest in Africa and many of the goals set at the world summit for children in 1990 are being achieved. There is universal access of primary education, gender equality of access across almost all levels of education. The study also shows however that less positively, the system is increasingly under financial pressure particularly to fund the growing demand for higher education, comparatively very expensive. The co-authors advocate comprehensive budgetary and financial reforms drawing up a model in line with current policy directions to increase funding for tertiary education, and so release more funds for improving quality at lower levels.

In its experience of colonialism, Swaziland is not alone. The broad trends identified in the transformation of pre-colonial African societies apply equally to this country, surrounded on three sides by South Africa. In the development from the colonial to the capitalist mode of production new social forces have been unleashed and old ones transformed. The Zwazi population has been dramatically affected by alienation, explotation and appropriation. In outlining this experience, this book provides a vital analytical link in the social and economic history of Swaziland. Chapters cover labour migration, the effects of colonial rule on the pre-capitalist aristocracy, the growth of settler and cash crop farmers, the industrialization of agriculture and the appropriation of peasant labour. Industries in investigated include mining, cotton, forestry and sugar. Written by African social scientists, this volume makes an essential contribution to the ongoing debate and analysis of the impact of colonialism on Africa, while providing a detailed record of the unique case of Swaziland   Nomtheto Simelane   ISBN: 2-86978-036-2 CODESRIA 1995
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