

(Showing 97 – 108 products of 318 products)


Sciences sociales et l’avenir de l’Afrique (Printed)

This is the first title in a new series Interventions, a strategic initiative by CODESRIA, aimed at promoting the research output of the younger generation of academics and scholars in Africa, and encouraging the exchange of ideas and experiences between young researchers about African issues. The series intends to create an opportunity for a younger generation of Africans, which is of key demographic importance, to become more engaged in public and/or academic debates about the future of their continent.


Les rapports sociaux de genre connaissent depuis quelques années des mutations significatives en Afrique et dans le monde. En effet, la vague de démocratisation qui souffle sur le continent depuis le début des années quatre-vingts et les transitions politiques qui en découlent engendrent une participation croissante des femmes dans la sphère publique. Sur le plan économique, les femmes déploient de nombreuses stratégies afin de s’assurer une certaine autonomie financière et, partant une capacité à s’affirmer au sein du ménage qui relèverait du domaine privé. Mais en même temps, les rapports sociaux de genre dans les sphères publique et privée restent encore marquées par la discrimination, l’inégalité, et la violence dont la majorité des victimes seraient des femmes.

Making Ends Meet at the Margins?:Grapping with Economic Crisis and Belonging in Beitbridge Town, Zimbabwe (Printed)

This overarching economic and sociological study of to the Zimbabwean situation in the wider context of global capitalism offers refreshing contextual analysis, challenging the more common approaches to the crisis from perspectives of human rights, racial identities and local political conflicts.

Madagascar: ethnies et éthnicité (Printed)

This book brings together multidisciplinary research on the historical, linguistic, anthropological and religious dimensions of ethnicity in Madagascar. The majority of Madagascans are born, live and die within their narrowly defined ethnic groups, and yet most tend to view these sterile and stereotyped identities negatively. But rather than forming definitive conclusions about ethnicities on the island, this work intends to open up the debates on collective identities, as they are expressed and embodied day to day. The study thus constitutes an indispensable preamble to an examination of the construction of the Madagascan nation state.

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