In Saviors and Survivors, Mahmood Mamdani explains how the conflict in Darfur began as a civil war (1987-89) between nomadic and peasant tribes over fertile land in the south, triggered by a severe drought that had expanded the Sahara Desert by more than sixty miles in forty years ; how British colonial officials had artificially tribalized Darfur, dividing its population into “native” and “settler” tribes and creating homelands for the former at the expense of the latter ; how the war intensified in the 1990s when the Sudanese government tried unsuccessfully to address the problem by creating homelands for tribes without any. The involvement of opposition parties gave rise in 2003 to two rebel movements, leading to a brutal insurgency and a horrific counterinsurgency – but not to genocide, as the West has declared.
Mamdani also explains how the Cold War exacerbated the twenty-year civil war in neighboring Chad, creating a confrontation between Libya’s Muammar al-Qaddafi (with Soviet support) and the Reagan administration (allied with France and Israel) that spilled over into Darfur and militarized the fighting. By 2003, the war involved national, regional and global forces, including the powerful Western lobby, who now saw it as part of the War on Terror and called for a military invasion dressed up as “humanitarian intervention.”
“Mamdani traces the path to the Darfur tragedy through its historical and colonial roots to the current situation, where drought and desertification have led to conflict over land among local tribes, rebellion, and finally to the brutal involvement of the forces of the state and to the efforts of the United Nations and others to help the victims and stop the violence. His radical reevaluation of the Darfur problem is a major contribution to understanding and, it is to be hoped, to ending a shocking human disaster.” Sir Brian Urquhart, Former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations
“There are three reasons why this book’s perspective on the Sudan-Darfur conflict may be of considerable value to readers interested in African politics and international relations. First, Saviors and Survivors is unique in that it presents an African-centered perspective on the Sudan-Darfur crisis in the context of the study of international relations, geopolitics and the War on Terror. Second, it draws attention to African regional, epistemological and ideological perspectives on the crisis. Third, it tackles the bogeyman of African politics—the national-ethnic question in the context of cultural pluralism… Hidden in the middle of Saviors and Survivors’ controversial thesis critiquing international interventionism is Mamdani’s scholarly genius. The book scrutinizes, critically analyzes, deconstructs and reconstructs the deep historical transformations that constitute the underbelly of the continent’s post-colonial citizenship structures.” African Affairs (London)
Mahmood Mamdani is a political scientist and an anthropologist. He is Herbert Lehman Professor of Government in the Departments of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies, Anthropology, and the School of Public and International Affairs, Columbia University. He was President of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (1999–2003) and also a founding Director of the Centre for Basic Research in Kampala, Uganda’s first non-governmental research organization. He has taught at the University of Dar es Salaam (1973–79), Makerere University in Kampala (1980–93), the University of Cape Town (1996–99), and Princeton University (1995–96). His previous books include Good Muslim, Bad Muslim; Citizen and Subject (winner of the Herskovits Prize of the African Studies Association of the United States) ; and When Victims Become Killers.
ISBN: 978 286978 317 1
ECOWAS and the Dynamics of Conflict and Peace-building testifies to the fact that we cannot talk of West African affairs, more so of conflict and peace-building, without talking about ECOWAS. For over two decades now, West Africa has remained one of Africa's most conflict-ridden regions. It has been a theatre of some of the most atrocious brutalities in the modern world. It has, nonetheless, witnessed one of the most ambitious internal efforts towards finding regional solutions to conflicts through ECOWAS. The lead role of ECOMOG - the ECOWAS peacekeeping force - in search of peaceful solutions to civil wars in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau and Cote d'Ivoire has yielded a mix of successes and failures.
In this book, the authors take a candid look at the role that ECOWAS has played and show how the sub-regional organisation has stabilised and created new conditions conducive to nation building in a number of cases. Conversely, the book shows that ECOWAS has aggravated, if not created, new tensions in yet other cases. The comparative advantage that ECOWAS has derived from these experiences is reflected in the various mechanisms, protocols and conventions that are now in place to ensure a more comprehensive conflict prevention framework.
This book provides a nuanced analysis of the above issues and other dynamics of conflicts in the region. It also interrogates the roles played by ECOWAS and various other actors in the context of the complex interplay between natural resource governance, corruption, demography and the youth bulge, gender and the conflicting interests of national, regional and international players.
Thomas Jaye is the Deputy Director of Research at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), Accra, Ghana. His research interests include international security issues, democracy, post-conflict peace-building and reconstruction. His main work has been on regional security issues and security sector reform (SSR) with emphasis on security sector governance.
Dauda Garuba is the Nigeria Programme Coordinator for Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) – an independent policy organisation dedicated to promoting research, capacity building and advocacy on effective governance of oil, gas and mining revenues. He was formerly a Senior Programme Officer for peace and security at the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD), Abuja, Nigeria.
ISBN: 978 286978 496 3