This book analyses the impact of the Western idea of 'modernity' on development and underdevelopment in Africa. It traces the genealogy of the Western idea of modernity from European Enlightenment concepts of the universal nature of human history and development, and shows how this idea was used to justify the Western exploitation and oppression of Africa. It argues that contemporary development, theory and practice is a continuation of the Enlightenment project and that Africa can only achieve real development by rejecting Western modernity and inventing its own forms of modernity. The book is divided into four sections. The first section provides an outline of the theory of modernity in the Enlightenment project. In the second section, an attempt is made to trace the genealogy of the idea of development as modernity and how the African development process gets entangled with it. Here, its evolution is mapped through three periods: early modernity, capitalist modernity and late modernity. Zeroing in on the current era of late or hypermodernity, the book contests the idea that there is something new in globalisation and its neo-liberal development paradigm. The third section turns to the complex but pertinent question of how, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, Africa can transcend the impasse of modernity. The fourth and final section sums up the argument and points the way forward.
ISBN: 9782869783935 CODESRIA 2009 Prix : 5 000 CFADevelopment as Modernity, Modernity as Development (Printed)
The role of higher education in establishing structures and procedures in society and industry is clearly articulated in scholarly discussions. The narrative has recently taken a new momentum in Kenya with acknowledgement of the creative industry involves many youth, as an area that impacts on the economy. In unravelling the link between higher education and industry, the authors focus on leadership and governance in higher education and its expected and perceived contribution to the shaping of the creative industry. Through analysis of cases, the authors interrogate the processes and structures that govern the teaching and practice of the creative subjects, noting how these affect the creative industry in Kenya.
This book approaches the creative disciplines from the perspectives of the students, lecturers and university administrators. The three voices provide a balanced view of what higher creative arts education in Kenya is. The multiple authorship of the book further provides a balanced account of the development of these disciplines in higher education, and their growth in industry. The key concepts here are the development of the creative industry and how higher education should contribute to the same.
Emily Achieng’ Akuno (Phd) is professor of music at the Technical University of Kenya, where she is also the executive dean of the Faculty of social sciences and Technology.
Donald Otoyo Ondieki holds a Phd in Music Performance and education from Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. He is currently the director of the Permanent Presidential Music Commission, the government department that oversees the music industry in Kenya.
Peter L. Barasa (Phd) is currently Acting. deputy Principal (Academics, student Affairs & research) Alupe University College Busia - a Constituent College of Moi University, Kenya. He is a Professor of Language education.
Simon Peter Otieno (Phd) is a graduate of the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. Apart from being a consultant for the high profile Japanese film titled ‘Lion Standing in the Wind’ he has also written and directed films for the Kenya Schools and Colleges Film Festival.
Charity Muraguri Wamuyu is a lecturer and teacher educator at Thogoto Teachers’Training College in Kikuyu, Kenya. Her ongoing Phd is in the area of dance, a subject that forms the core of her mentorship and training programmes.
Maurice Okutoyi Amateshe is a graduate of Kenyatta University, with a Phd degree in music. He is currently a lecturer in the Department of Music and Dance at Kenyatta University, where he is also in charge of the university’s TV and Radio Station.
ISBN : 978 2 86978 717 9