African Anthropologies: History, Critique and Practice (Printed)
African Anthropologies: History, Critique and Practice (Printed)
This overview of the history, application and teaching of anthropology in post-colonial Africa shows how the continent’s anthropologists are redefining the historical legacy of European and American disciplinary hegemony, and developing distinctively African contributions to anthropological theory and practice. The contributors illustrate the diverse national traditions of anthropological practice that have developed in sub-Saharan Africa since decolonisation and exemplify the diversity of professional work carried out by the discipline’s practitioners. Their commitment to a common disciplinary identity demonstrates the place that exists for a critical anthropology that is reflective about both its potentials and limitations.
Les trajectoires d’un État-frontière : Espaces, évolution politique et transformations sociales en Mauritanie (Printed)
Le défi scientifique que cherche à relever cet ouvrage est de rendre compte des mutations contemporaines de cet authentique État-frontière qu’est la Mauritanie et de proposer un regard novateur sur sa trajectoire historique, sociale, politique et géostratégique.
Zekeria Ould Ahmed Salem