Product Tag: integration

Rethinking Security in Nigeria adopts an alternate conceptual and methodological framework for rethinking national security in Nigeria by using the humanities' multidisciplinary perspective against the backdrop of the hitherto restrictive analysis of the nature of national security. By expounding the largely unexplored cosmological, conceptual, ethical and aesthetic dimensions as key contributors to national survival and social integration, the volume argues systematically for a basic redefinition of the meanings of security, the value of life, government action and social re-engineering in order to create a new system of social order an integration. The authors attempt to extend the boundaries of previous theorizing on security by identifying alternate ethical and aesthetic approaches to national reconciliation and human development in present-day Nigeria, which faces major security challenges requiring the clarification of the basis for developing a just and harmonious society. The study is a contribution to the quest for defining the vital socio-cultural norms and doctrinal imperatives needed for responsible cooperative human action. It examines the roles of dominant works of philosophy, literature, plays and performances in the creation of a basis for political stability and social reconciliation in the society. It extends the boundaries of previous aesthetic studies and redefines the roles of ethics and aesthetics as crucial contributors to security, human development and world civilisation.     ISBN : 2-86978-211-X CODESRIA 2008

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Security in Nigeria, Conceptual Issues in the Quest for Social Order and National Integration (Printed)

Security in Nigeria, Conceptual Issues in the Quest for Social Order and National Integration (Printed)


Rethinking Security in Nigeria adopts an alternate conceptual and methodological framework for rethinking national security in Nigeria by using the humanities’ multidisciplinary perspective against the backdrop of the hitherto restrictive analysis of the nature of national security. By expounding the largely unexplored cosmological, conceptual, ethical and aesthetic dimensions as key contributors to national survival and social integration, the volume argues systematically for a basic redefinition of the meanings of security, the value of life, government action and social re-engineering in order to create a new system of social order an integration. The authors attempt to extend the boundaries of previous theorizing on security by identifying alternate ethical and aesthetic approaches to national reconciliation and human development in present-day Nigeria, which faces major security challenges requiring the clarification of the basis for developing a just and harmonious society. The study is a contribution to the quest for defining the vital socio-cultural norms and doctrinal imperatives needed for responsible cooperative human action. It examines the roles of dominant works of philosophy, literature, plays and performances in the creation of a basis for political stability and social reconciliation in the society. It extends the boundaries of previous aesthetic studies and redefines the roles of ethics and aesthetics as crucial contributors to security, human development and world civilisation.


Intégration régionale, démocratie et panafricanisme: Paradigmes anciens, nouveaux défis (Printed)

Intégration régionale, démocratie et panafricanisme: Paradigmes anciens, nouveaux défis (Printed)

À l’occasion du 30e anniversaire du CODESRIA, une importante moisson de contributions a été faite autour du thème central de la grande conférence commémorative, tenue à Dakar en décembre 2003, à savoir : « Intellectuels, nationalisme et idéal panafricain ».
Cet ouvrage réunit huit des nombreuses communications de la rencontre sur l’intégration régionale, démocratie et panafricanisme, dont celles de Bernard Founou-Tchuigoua, de Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan et d’Alexis Adandé. Chacun des auteurs a exploré, sous un angle particulier, des questions relatives à l’intégration régionale, à la démocratie ou au panafricanisme. Autant de paradigmes qui ont été forgés ou qui ont été examinés dans leur application au continent africain au cours du siècle passé, particulièrement durant la lutte pour l’émancipation et au lendemain des indépendances. En fait, ces paradigmes, qui gardent apparemment toute leur actualité, sont à nouveau examinés à la lumière des réalités contemporaines.

In Regional Integration in Africa: What Role for South Africa, Henri Bah, Siphamandla Zondi and André Mbata Mangu reflect on African integration and the contribution of post-Apartheid South Africa. From their different scientific backgrounds, they demonstrate that despite some progress made under the African Union that superseded the Organisation of African Unity, Africa is still lagging behind in terms of regional integration and South Africa, which benefitted from the rest of the continent in her struggle against apartheid, has not as yet played a major role in this process. Apart from contributing to advancing knowledge, the book is a recommended read for all those interested in African regional integration and the relationships between Africa and post-Apartheid South Africa. Contributors are Henri Bah, André Mbata Mangu and Siphamandla Zondi. Foreword by Eddy Maloka.   André Mbata Mangu LLD (2002), University of South Africa, is Professor of Law at that university and member of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa. He also lectures at the University of Kinshasa and other African universities. He has published extensively on the rule of law and human rights in Africa and is the editor-in-chief of the African Journal of Democracy and Governance. ISBN : 9782869789807 CODESRIA 2021
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